EverGreen Turf Solutions knows local lawn care so well because they are playing on home turf

By Mitch Allen
EverGreen Turf Solutions owners Correy and Sarah Petz don’t just serve Northeast Ohio. They live here, too, with their two sons Jackson and Logan.
“We have a nice logo, clean trucks, and uniformed technicians, so people sometimes think we’re a national chain or a franchise, but we’re not,” Correy says. “Northeast Ohio is our home and we love living here.”
The company’s local Medina County roots give it a big advantage over national companies: They know local lawns.
“There’s a big difference between how you treat a lawn in Northeast Ohio versus one in Atlanta, Phoenix, Denver or Seattle,” Correy says. “We’ve been doing this right here for 13 years. We really know our region’s turf, our weed species, and our weather. And with the warm winter this year, we’ve all seen first-hand how different our weather can be year to year.”

How to Achieve a Gorgeous Lawn
Achieving a beautiful lawn is more complicated than many people think. “Different treatment formulas are required under different conditions, including the season and whether it’s wet, dry, hot or cool,” Correy adds. “And the brands you find at the national home stores are not the same as the professional-grade products we use here.”
EverGreen’s know-how also includes the proper identification of weeds and invasives—that is, what product to use and when. “Many folks call us because they’re simply not sure what to use or how to approach various situations and issues,” Correy reveals. “We use the right herbicide to eradicate specific hardy, resistant weeds after proper identification. This takes the guess work out of taking care of your lawn.”
It’s also important to use enough product.
“Many lawn care companies don’t apply enough product because they’re trying to cut costs,” Correy explains. “But you can’t get the best results that way.”
To save money, do-it-yourselfers often don’t apply the proper amount of fertilizer either.
“What’s so interesting is that if you actually purchase the right amount of product for your lawn, you’ll find it doesn’t cost much more to just let us do it,” Correy says. “Then you know your lawn is being treated properly and on time—and you don’t have to do it yourself.”
Timing is Everything
Speaking of timing, now is the time to get started. That’s because early spring is when you should apply a “preemergent,” that is, crab grass control.
“You must treat crabgrass before it germinates in the early spring with rising soil temperatures,” Correy explained. “If
you don’t, you’re going to have crabgrass later in the summer. You have to attack it early. We like to get started in March and early April.”
Evergreen Turf offers several packages that include five to six applications per season. They also do aeration, weed treatments, lawn insect control, overseeding and disease control.
All these services are important, but there’s something else just as important...

Bonus Content: How to Mow Properly
Correy says the single best thing a homeowner can do on their own to help achieve a beautiful lawn is to mow properly. And there three essential rules for that.
“Number one, set your mower height to four inches,” he said. “Most people cut their grass too short and that’s not healthy for Northeast Ohio lawns. Don’t eyeball it. Get a ruler and check the height of your mower.
“Number two, mowing frequency. Depending on the time of the year, regular mowing varies. In spring, when everything is growing fast and furious, the lawn may need to be mowed twice a week. In summer, you may be able to mow every ten days.
“Finally, keep your lawn mower blade sharp. A dull blade rips the top of the grass instead of delivering a nice, clean cut. Pluck a blade of grass from your lawn and look at it closely. If it’s brown and shredded at the very tip, your blade is probably dull. Either carefully sharpen it or buy a new one. We’re just part of the equation. A gorgeous lawn is a team effort.”
EverGreen Turf Solutions is headquartered in Valley City and serves all of Northeast Ohio. For more info or an instant quote, call 330-662-0123 or visit MyEvergreenTurf.com to request a quote online. Content underwritten by EverGreen Turf Solution.