En Garde Deer Defense has a deer deterrent that actually works

Doe And Fawn Eating Roses By Driveway
Right now, female deer and their fawns are hungry for extra nutrition. That means area homeowners are experiencing deer damage to their valuable landscape plants. Find out how the technicians at En Garde Deer Defense can help stop the damage and protect your home.

By Mitch Allen

It’s July, the height of the season for deer damage. That’s because females are having their fawns, which increases their need for nutrition. And, unfortunately, your beautiful landscape plants are on the menu.

If you’re experiencing deer damage, it’s not too late to protect your valuable landscaping, and enjoy a beautiful yard this summer and fall.

En Garde Deer Defense founder Jeff Ardo

“Mother Nature timed it perfectly,” explains Jeff Ardo, founder of En Garde Deer Defense. “Right when the females need extra energy, that’s when plants are thriving and full of nutrition. But we can encourage deer to look for their nutrition elsewhere—not in your yard.”

En Garde Deer Defense has developed a large local following of homeowners who live near parks, golf courses, vacant land, and other areas where deer are active. That’s because the company’s proprietary deterrent spray actually works. In fact, the company has 300 Google reviews with a five-star average rating.

Right now, pregnant deer and those nursing fawns are hungry for extra nutrition. This encourages them to go foraging in our yards, destroying beautiful and expensive landscape plants. En Garde Deer Defense’s proprietary deer deterrent spray can help stop them.

“Most of our customers have tried everything,” Jeff says. “Every product on the shelf at big box stores and every homemade concoction on the internet, but none of it works. Ours does.”

En Garde’s formula is not available online or in garden centers or home improvement stores because the ingredients that make it effective cannot be stored on a shelf. “We have to mix our spray fresh every morning,” Jeff says. “It’s effective, weather-resistant, transparent, and virtually odorless to humans.”

The Northeast Ohio deer population has grown increasingly brazen, seeking out plants even right up to the house.

The spray is so effective it can even deter fawns, which have little to no sense of taste or smell in the first few weeks as they are learning to eat.

Well-Trained Technicians

Having an effective spray is important, but it must be applied properly. That’s why En Garde’s spray technicians undergo highly comprehensive training, including an online test in which each tech must identify 90 different species of plants and declare whether they are vulnerable to deer.

New employees also undergo a four- to six-week, hands-on, in-the-field apprenticeship program with a trained technician before being allowed to work alone.

You may be tempted to tell your En Garde techs where to spray, but it’s best to let them determine that. “We have a lot of training and years of experience, so we know which strategies work best,” Jeff assures. “We usually recommend spraying not only landscape plants, but also the entire perimeter of the property. If we make your entire yard unattractive to deer, they simply move on.”

Hungry deer brazenly devour area flora. En Garde Deer Defense’s deer deterrent spray can help your landscape plants escape a similar fate.

Grandma’s Rose of Sharon

Landscape plants are replaceable, yes, but that could cost thousands of dollars. And, in fact, some plants are not replaceable. “Some of our customers have plants that were given to them by a friend or family member,” Jeff says. “That gives them sentimental value. It may be a Rose of Sharon that came from your grandmother, or it may be a shrub planted in honor of a loved one who passed. These are treasures, and we can help protect them.”

Schedule your Free Trial

When is the last time you worked with a home services company so confident in its abilities that it offered a free trial? En Garde Deer Defense does.

In fact, owner Jeff Ardo offers a free trial to every new client with no obligation to continue. That means your first spray costs you nothing and there is no further risk.

There are three easy ways to schedule your own free trial:

• Call 440-447-0022

• Email MyDeerGuy@egdeerdefense.com

• Complete a simple form at egdeerdefense.com. Just click “Free Trial” at the top of the home page.

En Garde Deer Defense serves all of Northeast Ohio. To schedule your free trial, call 440-447-0022, or fill out a free trial form online at EGDeerDefense.com.