Decrease your risk of falling

By Karen Docherty, Owner OsteoStrong Strongsville
A phrase we use often at the center is, “The bones are the boss of the musculoskeletal system.” If healthy aging is your goal, balance and flexibility are two factors to address. Poor balance increases your risk of falling beginning as early as middle age. At OsteoStrong, we tap into science-backed technologies, such as our whole-body Vibration Plate which is wonderful for stimulating muscles and bones, priming the nervous system and improving balance. By standing on the VibePlate, anywhere between 20-30Hz of vibrational pressure is applied to the body. This causes your body to become slightly unstable, in a good way, as that frequency signals spinal reflexes to fire and “switch on” the body’s stabilizing muscles. The barely perceptible vibration impacts every joint, tendon, ligament, muscle and cell.
Our members stand on the VibePlate to boost results before and after each Spectrum circuit session on our patented bone strength equipment.
No matter your age, you have the power to improve your bone density, overall strength, balance and flexibility. We have members into their 90s who’ve decided to take a proactive approach to aging and improved their balance.
Vibration therapy is just one of the holistic modalities we offer to take our membership experience to the next level. Others we call “biohacks” include hydromassage lounges for circulation; red light therapy to boost mind and body; the BioCharger, which combines PEMF, light therapy, frequencies and harmonics to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing within the body; and compression boots to flush the lymphatic system.
OsteoStrong Strongsville center is located within a shopping plaza at 15308 Pearl Road in Strongsville. Call 440-358-3838 or visit more information.