Dave G. found motivation at MaxStrength Fitness

By Patricia Nugent
As a retired commercial copywriter, Dave G., of Rocky River, is accustomed to gathering facts, researching topics and bringing tales to life. But when it came to his own life story, he admits he had let it take a sedentary path as he eased into his 50s.
“Two years ago, I made the decision to stave off the onset of the decrepitude I was noticing,” he says. “Generally, I’m an unmotivated person. We have a Peloton at home, but I never hopped on it. I joined a big box fitness place once, but never really went there. I realized that accountability and having an obligation were two of the things missing in my life.”
Dave’s wife, Catherine, had been coming to MaxStrength Fitness for eight years and was seeing terrific results. Two years ago, she persuaded Dave to see the studio as the answer to his accountability conundrum.
“I don’t actually love exercise,” he says, “but I saw encouraging results quickly after a few workouts here. Everything shifted. My posture improved. My shoulders, back and core muscles strengthened. I dropped 12 pounds and had to put an extra hole in my belt. I’m not embarrassed when I look in the mirror anymore. I’m a believer.”
What Makes the Workouts So Effective?
Created by MaxStrength founder Jeff Tomaszewski, the unique, research-based protocol is constructed around two weekly 20-minute workouts. The one-on-one, trainer-led sessions tap into computerized equipment designed to fatigue the muscles through slow and progressive movement. Spacing out the workouts allows optimal time for adaptive change to take place as the muscles rebuild stronger with downtime between sessions.
“Basically, we want people to work smarter, not harder,” says Jeff. “Research has proven the profound impact gaining muscle mass and improving flexibility and energy can have on a person’s quality of life and longevity. Loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, accelerates significantly when people hit their 50s. But that doesn’t have to happen if people aim to reverse it.”
For Dave, the workouts are “incredibly efficient, with the trainer always critiquing my form to make sure it’s perfect. He or she coaches me through every step of the workout.”
He also reports the workouts are never boring, always evolving, which is one of the many reasons he’s been here so long and plans to continue.
“In all honesty, the workouts are not easy. They are quite challenging,” he says. “But when I’m on that last machine and ready to walk out the door, I feel accomplished, activated and energized.”
With a new baby grandson he can’t wait to chase after living nearby, lots of travel plans in the works, and a rekindled hobby of playing the guitar, Dave says he’s hopeful to envision an active and fulfilling future, without even a hint of decrepitude.
MaxStrength Fitness is located at 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby. Call 440-226-8080 and at 2211 Crocker Road in Westlake, 440-835-9090 or for more information or to view more testimonials, visit MaxStrengthFitness.com.