Continuing a legacy of giving

By Patricia Nugent
The recent passing of Sister Mary Donald, a beloved fixture at Our Lady of Lourdes National Shrine in Euclid, has left a wake of sadness and loss.
“Her creativity and boundless energy made a difference in many lives in the community,” says Sister Phyllis Ann, who is head administrator of the shrine. “A Sister for the past 58 years, she shared her gifts as a teacher and principal in New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, and in Cleveland at St. Rocco and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Schools.”
Sister Donald was also an administrator and dynamo fundraiser for her order. The Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity is its own 501(c)3 charity and does not receive funding from the Catholic Church.

Though her spirit will be missed, Sister Mary Donald’s work will carry on.
“In our community, when a member passes, the rest of the members continue her legacy of good work,” Sister Phyllis Ann says. “Our Shrine is approaching 100 years old and needs significant maintenance work to remain safe for the people who visit.”
Sister Mary Donald was the driving force behind the annual #WeGive Catholic campaign. Last year the Sisters won an award for fundraising.
Throughout the year, the hardworking group plans events to welcome the public, including the upcoming French Toast Breakfast and Cookie Sale on Sunday, December 3.
“We invite people to come for breakfast, mass, and maybe some early Christmas shopping at our gift shop,” says Sister Phyllis Ann.
The Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity and National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes is located at 21281 Chardon Road in Euclid. Anyone wishing to support the Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine and the Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity through this year’s #WeGive Catholic campaign can do so from Sunday, November 19 through Tuesday, November 28. Visit to make a donation. Call 216-481-0900 or visit for more information.