At The Exercise Coach, personal trainers guide clients through a series of movements within a 20-minute session, providing change they can both see and feel

By Mary Malik
The Exercise Coach provides a scientifically-backed workout that results in better overall health and fitness, with much less of a time commitment than traditional workouts and without fear of injury. So, what’s the catch? With The Exercise Coach, there is no catch. Consistently give your personal Exercise Coach trainer 20 minutes twice a week and they’ll give you improved overall strength, flexibility, mobility and balance. All the things we thought were only attainable through hours at the gym or pounding the pavement can now be gained through functional exercises targeting specific muscle groups in much less time.
“The sobering fact is that after age 30, we typically lose 8% of our muscle mass every decade leading to a reduction in strength, mobility, metabolism and bone density,” owner Paul VanderEyk says. “The natural loss of muscle tissue as we age, called sarcopenia, decreases quality of life and accelerates the aging process. The good news is, we can build back muscle at any age. The Exercise Coach offers a smarter, faster, safer way to do it.”
The Exercise Coach targets strength training through a computerized technology called Exerbotics, where machines set to your specifications adjust automatically throughout your 20-minute workout, ensuring each workout pushes you harder as you get stronger. It’s the perfect workout for anyone with a busy life who wants to stay in shape or get in shape and continue to do other activities.”

Each private, one-on-one training session with your coach consists of eight or more exercises on the machines that individually work your abdominals and back, chest, shoulders and legs. You’ll finish with a minute or two of cardio and you’re out the door.
“The machines adjust your workout to your strengths and weaknesses in real time,” Paul says. “Follow your progress on the screen right in front of you on every piece of equipment, which show exactly how hard you’re working. You’ll never plateau because you can’t be stronger than the machine.”
Research shows that meaningful muscular loading is required to stimulate muscle fibers and reverse the dreaded sarcopenia. The Exercise Coach targets particular muscle tissues through brief and focused resistance training, reversing muscle loss and stimulating whole-body strength and overall health.
“People ask who The Exercise Coach is for, and the answer is anyone who wants to gain strength, increase mobility and improve their quality of life—all within a relatively short investment of time,” Paul says. “Our clients are people of all ages who want to gain strength and mobility to improve their quality of life.”
Paul stresses the safety of The Exercise Coach and that the movements involved mimic real-life movements and help to improve the body’s natural range of motion and flexibility, reducing risk of injury.
“Functional exercises have the added benefit of being adaptable to each individual at every fitness level,” Paul says. “The machine adapts to your strength. It starts where you are and progresses as you get stronger. This minimizes the risk of injury.”

At The Exercise Coach, your first two visits are free and there’s no need for special clothing.
“We recommend that you be comfortable and don’t wear something that restricts your mobility,” says Paul. “Many clients come on their lunch break. You won’t leave all sweaty, but you’ll know you’ve worked hard.”
The Exercise Coach is located at 2100 Center Road in Avon. For more information and to schedule a session, call 440-578-0805, visit or email