At Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar, acoustic wave therapy is reversing erectile dysfunction

By Beth Newcomb
You’ve likely seen the ads on television touting the game-changing benefits of acoustic wave therapy, also called Shockwave. These mini-infomercials promise an improvement in performance after the first visit, with a complete reversal of erectile dysfunction soon after.
That, says Dr. Laurel Matthews, of Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar, isn’t exactly how it works.
Dr. Laurel was one of the first to introduce Shockwave therapy to Northeast Ohio. The difference between what she offers and the places spending thousands to promote on TV is that not only is her pricing dramatically lower, she’s also a realist and makes sure before the treatment begins that it will work.
“Shockwave uses soundwaves to create a micro-trauma in the treatment area that prompts your body to turn on its PRP (platelet rich plasma) mechanism. What happens is the PRP goes to the penis where it begins to create new nerve endings and blood vessels. These changes can also result in an increase in size,” she explains. “But new blood vessels and nerve endings require two to three months to grow, so the idea of someone walking out of treatment with a change in function is highly unlikely.”
Although called Shockwave, the procedure doesn’t actually “shock” anything. Instead, low intensity sounds waves target the area being treated. Typically six treatments spaced weekly or twice a week are required to produce a change in performance.
“About 95% of men will notice a substantial improvement and many won’t need to take enhancement drugs any longer,” Dr. Laurel says.
Because she looks at erectile dysfunction comprehensively, Dr. Laurel also offers male hormone replacement therapy and the P-Shot to complement the Shockwave therapy.
“Men who have had a good response to drugs that treat erectile dysfunction are perfect candidates for the P-Shot,” says Dr. Laurel “Unlike drugs, the P-Shot is natural, is a one-time injection, and it lasts for up to three years.”
Dr. Laurel draws your blood, spins out the platelets, then injects the super- concentrated PRP into the penis where it can grow new nerve endings and blood vessels, so blood flow and sensitivity are restored. The injection is quick and painless and there is no downtime. It’s often used to complement the Shockwave.
Additionally, her testosterone pellet replacement therapy helps men who are not only experiencing erectile dysfunction, but are also suffering from the symptoms of low testosterone, such as mood change, anxiety, difficulties with memory and weight gain.
Schedule a free consultation by calling 216-245-6682. The male hormone replacement consultation is $250. The office is at 3439 W. Brainard Rd., Suite 107, in Beachwood. To learn more, visit