Advanced MMC’s comprehensive peripheral neuropathy treatment program is getting results for PN sufferers

By Patricia Delzell, M.D., Advanced Musculoskeletal Medicine Consultants, Inc.
If you’ve been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy (PN)—or are experiencing symptoms related to the disorder—there are drug-free treatments that can help, regardless of what you may have been told.
Here at Advanced MMC, we offer a complete PN program that begins with a comprehensive initial exam. We review all your records, lab work, EMGs, and neurological exams in detail, then do testing to determine whether you may have any underlying conditions that can mimic PN or make it worse.
Underlying Conditions
For PN treatment to be successful, any underlying conditions need to be addressed. That’s why during your initial exam, we look for other possible health concerns, such as:
- spine problems
- B-vitamin insufficiency
- toxicities
- vascular problems, especially venous insufficiency.
Then and only then do we recommend a treatment plan specific to what we find. Your plan may include Class IV infrared (IR) laser therapy, spine treatments, vascular treatments, and vitamin and supplement management to optimize your body for healing.
IR Laser Therapy
One of our most successful treatments is Class IV infrared (IR) laser therapy for use with any kind of neuropathy, whether related to diabetes, chemotherapy, or some other cause. This new therapy is a drug-free solution that is proven to be 90% effective.
Your nerve damage doesn’t mean your nerves are “dead.” Instead, they are latent, that is, asleep, and they can be awakened with this new laser therapy which works at the cellular level to help cells do their jobs.
Patients receive a total of 16 treatments and most patients see dramatic improvement by the eighth or ninth treatment, and symptom relief is sustainable for years afterward.
Are You a Candidate?
If you’re experiencing PN symptoms—such as numbness, tingling, burning, stabbing pain, or a loss of balance—give our office a call to discuss whether our comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan can help you.
Advanced Musculoskeletal Medicine Consultants’ new offices are at 8401 Chagrin Rd., Suite 20A, in Chagrin Falls. Call 440-557-5011 to schedule an evaluation or visit for more info.