Center for Advanced Vein Care

"At all stages of your life, whether you are heading out for a new career, about to welcome a new baby into your family, or enjoying more free time with retirement, healthy legs will allow you to keep moving forward for years to come." –Dr. Sonja Stiller, owner
What Are Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins are often twisted, enlarged veins near the surface of the skin, most common in the legs and ankles. They are caused by weakened valves and veins in your legs.
Although not always serious, varicose veins can be painful, unattractive, and can sometimes lead to more serious problems, including life-threatening blood clots.
While aging increases your risk, varicose veins often run in families. And being overweight or pregnant—or having a job where you stand for long periods of time—increases pressure on leg veins which can also lead to varicose veins.
You should contact Center for Advanced Care if you have any of the following symptoms:
• Chronic leg pain
• Fatigue (don’t want to walk upstairs)
• Itching
• Burning
• Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
• Leg cramps
• Swelling
Getting Started
If you are considering treatment of your varicose veins, there is a good reason to start now: health insurance companies often require you to try compression stockings before agreeing to cover a medical procedure. So if you want to have the treatment completed before the end of the year, it’s best to call Dr. Stiller’s office now. And the good news is that wearing compression today doesn’t mean wearing “grandma stockings.” Sonja carries several different options, including tie-dye and sheer fabric. In addition, effective treatment can take several months, so if you want healthy-looking legs next spring, it’s best to get started now.
About Dr. Stiller
Sonja Stiller, MD likely has more training in her field than any physician in Northeast Ohio, and unlike other doctors who treat venous disease part-time, her practice is 100% dedicated to it. She is board-certified in Venous and Lymphatic Medicine (Phlebology) and in Emergency Medicine. She earned her medical degree in 1995 from the Medical College of Pennsylvania, and during her residency she concentrated on trauma, critical care, and pediatric trauma. After 13 years of serving in emergency departments in Philadelphia and in Northeast Ohio, she elected to specialize in the area of venous and lymphatic medicine.
Dr. Stiller received specific training in venous medicine at a major clinic in Chicago (including a four-month “total immersion” program), then served on the staff of a large vein clinic in Northeast Ohio, before launching her own practice. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Phlebology and a member of the American College of Phlebology, serving on two different national committees.
Her new clinic’s specialties include the treatment of Varicose Vein Disease, Chronic Venous Stasis, Venous Ulceration and Post Thrombotic Syndrome, along with their associated symptoms including leg swelling, restless leg syndrome and leg cramps.
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