Living Well Holistic Health

Less Pain. Less Stress. More energy.
We use our hands as a tool to soothe and heal your body, with therapeutic massage and clinical reflexology. At Living Well Holistic Health, our massage therapists, chiropractor, naturopath and acupuncturist take an integrated health approach to enhance your wellness. With a focus on natural health care, we improve the quality of life for people suffering from pain and stress. Whether you have chronic pain, headaches, anxiety, neurological disorders, sleep issues or other ailments, we offer pain management solutions, such as massage reflexology and aromatherapy massage, that boost your overall well-being.
Our services include:
• Acupuncture
• Aromatherapy
• Chiropractic
• Massage
• Muscle Balancing
• Naturopathic Medicine
• Reflexology
• Reset Program
• The Trager Approach
From ancient healing methods like acupuncture to the Bemer mat that uses a pulsed electromagnetic field to improve your microcirculation, we customize treatments to each person.
And we are one of the few businesses in the area to offer the Trager Approach, which promotes sensory awareness and ease of movement.
While our atmosphere may be a little “spa-ish” and our services feel pampering, everything we do has a therapeutic component—differentiating ourselves from local salons and massage franchises.
So if you are seeking an alternative to medications to improve the quality of your life, give us a try. The caring, targeted touch of a trained hand often is the best medicine.